Rules & Regulations
Centralized Waste Treatment (CWT) - 40 CFR 437
The EPA defines a CWT facility as "any facility that treats (for disposal, recycling or recovery of material) or recycles any hazardous or non-hazardous industrial waste, hazardous or non-hazardous wastewater, and/or used material (e.g. used oil) received from off-site."
Centralized Waste Treatment (CWT) Background
On December 22, 2003, WRI, along with all other CWT facilities in the United States, became subject to the Pretreatment Standards contained in the Centralized Waste Treatment (CWT) Point Source Category 40 CFR 437 - also known as the CWT Rule. The rule applies to the treatment and discharge of wastewater from all CWT facilities to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) as well as CWT facilities that discharge to surface water. This Rule was created to further reduce the number of pollutants that are discharged into U.S. waterways every day. The control authority as defined in the CWT Rule will enforce the Rule. The control authority may be the local POTW, state environmental agency or the EPA. CWT facilities not in compliance with the Federal Rule will be required to cease operations.
Centralized Waste Treatment (CWT) Requirements
The CWT Rule requires that individual waste streams be characterized into three subcategories: Metals, Oils or Organics. WRI was designed and constructed to efficiently and effectively manage waste streams from all three subcategories. WRI is currently permitted to discharge to JEA, their POTW, under the CWT Rule and is in full compliance with all requirements of the CWT Rule.
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Standards for the Management of Used Oil - 40 CFR 279
The EPA provides standards for defining used oil ("off-spec" or "spec" used oil), regulating mixtures of used oil and hazardous waste, testing used oil for halogen content, storing used oil, packaging used oil, tracking used oil, and following proper response procedures for releases of used oil.
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Used Oil Management - Chapter 62-710
The FDEP provides standards for defining used oil ("off-spec" or "spec"), regulating mixtures of used oil and hazardous waste, testing used oil for halogen content, storing used, oil, packaging used oil, tracking used oil, and following proper response procedures for releases of used oil.
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Petroleum Contact Water (PCW) - Chapter 62-740
The FDEP defines petroleum contact water (PCW) as "water containing a product," in Section 376.301(16), F.S. (1993). The FDEP gives examples of materials that meet as well as examples of material that specifically do not meet the definition of PCW. FDEP provides standards for determining, recovering, managing and transporting PCW.
WRI does not accept any Hazardous Wastes
Identification of Hazardous Waste and Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste are provided in 40 CFR 261 and 262.
Rule 261 defines the characteristics of hazardous waste including a list of hazardous wastes.
Rule 262 defines the generator responsibilities for accumulating, handling, storing, packaging, manifesting (Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Form) and transporting hazardous waste.